Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Two years ago I sold bulbs to family and friends to raise money for an adoption fund. I was overwhelmed by how many people not only bought bulbs from me, but also graciously donated extra, with encouraging notes telling me I was doing a good thing. Two years later, here we are in Southern California. So much has happened since then. So much has changed. But our desire to adopt has not changed. I have often regretted having started an adoption fund, not because I don't want to adopt any more, but because I feel pressured to hurry up, lest anyone think the whole thing was a scam!

The truth is, we really do still hope the Lord provides a way that we may some day (soon) add to our family through adoption. I am a mom; that's what I do. Our youngest is already 3 and will be in school in no time! Then what will I do? I am ready for more children and there are so many children in this world that need a home. Adoption seems like a pretty logical choice for us , right? I thought I had figured it all out and could work through the obstacles fairly easily. However, two years later the obstacles are still there, plus a few. In order to adopt internationally, we need to make a certain amount per person per year, which we were no where near reaching two years ago. To adopt domestically, we got hung up on the size of our house, which is still the issue. In addition to all the red tape we are wading through, I frequently debate if it is even wise for me to have more children placed in my care, with my diagnosis of Crohn's Disease. But then I remind myself that we have managed to raise four children already (with much help from others from time to time!) and only by God's grace. If He sees fit to provide more children for us, then we trust He will also provide the means for us to raise them as well.

The reason I am writing this post is to update those who contributed to our fund and assure you that we are still planning to adopt as soon as we are able, whether it be internationally or domestic; infant or older. We would love to have a big family and we would love to be able to share our home. Your prayers concerning this would be much appreciated! Thanks again to all of you who have helped us so far. We greatly appreciate it!